List a Finding

In order to maintain the quality of our service and prevent abuse, we have introduced a tier system for our users.

Each user is assigned a tier based on their level of experience and activity on our platform. The tiers currently available are Standard, Extended, Pro (to be released in the future), and Corporate (also to be released in the future).

One important aspect of our tier system is that it limits the number of phone numbers that users can request. This is to ensure that users do not abuse our service by requesting more phone numbers than they actually need. None of our users can request more phone numbers than is allowed by their tier.

If a user exceeds their quota, they will no longer be able to request additional phone numbers for some time. Instead, they will have to use our internal chat system to communicate with their contacts. This is to ensure that our service is used responsibly and fairly for all users.

We believe that our tier system is an important step in maintaining the quality of our service and ensuring that our users are able to use our platform in a way that is fair and equitable for all. If you have any questions about our tier system or our service, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Standard user

Visitors who just registered or yet to register

  1. Unlimited chats
  2. Unlimited instant AI replies *
  3. Max phone queries in offers: 3**
  4. Max phone queries in requests: 1**

Good for people who regularly list items/services.

  1. Includes all from Standard
  2. Automatically relist up to 5 items
  3. Max phone queries in offers: 5**
  4. Max phone queries in requests: 5**
  5. Access to `Deals of the day` page
  6. Extended support line

Good for businesses which want to boost their online sales

  1. Includes all from Extended
  2. Automatically relist up to 50 items
  3. Max phone queries in offers: 10**
  4. Max phone queries in requests: 50**

Good for businesses which need a greater coverage

  1. Contact us for details

* Our friendly AI system will try to answer your questions when the lister is not available;

** This value replaces the one from the preceeding tier;